ASME RAM-1:2013 pdf free download

ASME RAM-1:2013 pdf free download

ASME RAM-1:2013 pdf free download Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability of Equipment and Systems in Power Plants
A RAM program is a structured methodology to iden-tify and deliver the reliability, availability, and maintain-ability (RAM) requirements of a power plant in the mostcost-effective manner. This document is an assurancestandard to govern the master planning process for apower plant RAM program. It is intended to provide amethodology to develop and implement a comprehen-sive availability assurance program for the design, con-struction, and operation phases of the RAM project. ThisStandard is applicable to both new and existing facilities.
This Standard provides the requirements to establisha RAM program for any power-generation facility. Theprogram process includes
(a) establishment of RAM goals
(b) requirements for design, construction and com-missioning, and operations
This Standard identifies the required RAM programelements and responsibilities.
The purpose of this Standard is to meet the owner’spower plant RAM performance goals. This Standardidentifies program requirements that support effectivereliability processes in design, construction and commis-sioning, and operations. It requires a risk-basedapproach to design and provides requirements to opti-mize performance effectively throughout the life cycleof the power plant.
basis of design (BOD): the underlying assumptions andrequirements that support the physical plant design.criticality: the relative importance of equipment attri-butes that range from physical materials and hardwareto design functions.
reliability, availabilify, and maintainability (RAM):
(a) the process of addressing all the associated con-cepts of reliability, availability, and maintainability andintegrating them to meet the owner’s performanceobjectives
(b) a set of requirements imposed on a plant, system,or component to ensure that it
(1) will be ready for use when required
(2) will successfully perform assigned design-intended functions
(3) can be maintained operationally over its speci-fied life
This process provides a procedure to develop andimplement a program that is a written, defined, verifi-able, and living document that will enable the owner tomeet his /her performance goals. The steps in the RAMprocess are given in paras.5.1 through 5.4 (see Fig.5-1).5.1 Predevelopment
The owner shall establish needs by defining requiredcriteria that shall serve to develop objective require-ments, goals, validation parameters, and acceptancecriteria.
5.2 Program Development
The owner shall select a project delivery method,designer,and constructor to build the power plant tothe designed program criteria described in para. Program lmplementation
The owner shall periodically review the program per-formance of the plant to determine if the plant is achiev-ing the objectives and goals described in para. Revision
The owner shall modify the program described inparas. 5.2 and 5.3 to achieve the goals described inpara.5.1 or with new criteria that the owner establishes.Any owner-established criteria shall at least meet,orexceed, the criteria outlined in this Standard.
The following describes the steps in the RAM process.6.1 Predevelopment Phase (See Fig.6.1-1)
The owner shall define the top-level functionalrequirements for the plant. The output of the predevel-opment phase is the BOD document, which will be used
(a) requirements for the implementation of the program
(b) basic plant description
(c) lifespan of plant and life-extension method
(d) functional requirements
(e) availability requirements
(f) reliability requirements
(g) maintainability requirements
(h) performance objectives and goals
6.2 Program Development (See Fig. 6.2-1)
The program design formalizes a plan to achieve theobjectives and goals as detailed in the BOD. The definedinformation within the RAM program becomes the fun-damental foundation for all plant operations and main-tenance efforts.Program development includes theelements detailed in paras.6.2.1 through 6.2.6.
6.2.1 Program Statement.A high-level manage-ment statement shall define the requirements for theRAM program and provide the organization directionto implement the RAM program.
6.2.2 Program Goals.The program goals are used toestablish measurement criteria to validate requirements.The criteria shall be set in the areas of
(a) safety
(b) reliability(c) availability(d) maintainability
6.2.3 Program Organization.An organizationalstructure shall be designed and established to accom-plish the goals of the RAM program. The organizationshall provide accountability for achieving the objectivesand goals. Functionally,these responsibilities includethe following individuals:
(a)Owner. The owner provides requirements to theengineer pertaining to preferences and constraints of thedesign, and provides oversight to the program duringimplementation.
b)Program Manager. The program manager acts asan agent of the owner and is responsible for the programimplementation.
(c) Engineer. The engineer develops documents (e.g.drawings and specifications) and provides input forincorporating the availability, reliability, and maintain-ability requirements established by the owner.
(d) Operator.The operator represents the owner byproviding input on preferences and constraints regard-ing operations and maintenance, and shall be a part ofthe program development process.