ASME QFO-1:1998 pdf free download

ASME QFO-1:1998 pdf free download

1.1 Scope
1.1.1 This Standard specifies the requirements leadingto certification as a fossil combustion operator of ahigh capacity fossil fuel fired plant as appropriate tothe Clean Air Act as amended in 1990,for a fossilfuel fired boiler with an input equal to or greater than1OE + 06 Btu/hr (10,550 E + 06 J/hr).
1.1.2 This Standard provides a procedure for qualifi-cation,examination, and certification of the operator.Due to the diversity of size,operation,and process ofthe organizations and plants affected, thisStandarddoes not identify which specific position(s) or whichindividuals) will be certified.
1.2 Exclusions
1.2.1This Standard does not cover plants (boilers)exclusively firing:
(a) wood;
(b) wood residue;(c) industrial waste;(d) municipal waste;
(e) combustion turbine exhaust.
1.3 Purpose
1.3.1This Standard provides requirements to beused in certifying an individual as a fossil combustionoperator. These requirements recognize the knowledge,training. and experience in the physical operation of aplant needed to comply with the plant’s air qualityoperating permits and related environmental criteria.
1.3.2 This Standard does not cover the certificationor validation of plant operating procedures,operatingpractices,facility performance,nor cormpliance withpermit requirements.
1.4 Definitions
boiler: a closed vessel in which water is heated, steamis generated,steam is superheated,or any combinationthereof by direct application of heat. The term boilershall include fired units for heating or vaporizing liquidsother than water where these systems are completewithin themselves.
coal:solid hydrocarbons resulting from the decompo-sition of vegetable material under the influence of time,temperature,pressure, and micro-organisms, as definedby ASTM D 388.
Continuous Monitoring Systems (CMS):the totalequipment, required under the applicable emission moni-toring sections of Title 40 u.s.Code of Federal Regula-tions.used to sample and condition (if applicable),toanalyze and to provide a permanent record of emission,or process parameter. This includes Continuous Emis-sion Monitoring Systems,Continuous Opacity Monitor-ing Systems.or Alternative Monitoring Systems ap-proved per the requirements of 40 CFR Parts 60 and 75.
criteria: the standard EPA has established for certainpollutants,which limits both the concentration and thenumber of violations per year.
cyclone coal burner:a scroll,vortex,or radial burnerfiring crushed coal into a cyclone furnace consistingof a horizontal water cooled cylinder attached to theside of the boiler furnace.
cyclone furnace:a water-cooled horizontal cylinderinto which fuel is fed and mixed with air; combustion iscompleted in a minimum of time with high temperatures2450°F to 2550°F (1345°C to 1400°C) generated inthe burner. Combustion is virtually completed in thecyclone. Cyclone burners are adaptable for burningbark. oil.gas, and coal or a combination of these fuels.
facility: see Fossil Fuel Fired Plant.
fluidized bed:a process in which a bed of granularparticles is maintained in mobile suspension by anupward flow of air or gas.
Fossil Combustion Operator (FCO):the person certi-fied under this Standard. See Section 2.0.
fossil fuel:natural gas. petroleum, coal, or solid,liquidor gaseous fuel derived from such materials.
fossil fuel fired plant: any facility containing one ormore fossil fuel fired boilers with input rates per firedboiler equal to or greater than 1OE +06 Btu/hr (10,550E+ 06 J/hr).
fuel oil: any hydrocarbon oil defined by ASTM D 396.general industry:an enterprise(s) or organization(s)that produce(s) or supplies goods or services.
Heat Recovery Steam Generator ( HRSG): a heat ex-changer that uses a series of heat transfer sections (e.g.,superheater. evaporator,and economizer) positioned inthe exhaust gas flow of a combustion turbine or an internal combustion engine to recover heat and supplyarated steam flow at a required temperature andpressure.
high capacity:aggregate heat input rate cqual to orgreater than 1OE + 06 Btu/hr (10,550 E + 06 J/hr).industrial process:the manufacturing or treatment ofproducts,goods,or services.
natural gas:a naturally occurring mixture of hydrocar-bons (methane or higher) maintaining a gaseous stateat standard atmospheric temperaturc and pressure condi-tions.
plant: see Fossil Fuel Fired Plant.
pulverized fuel: solid fuel reduced to a size such thatmore than 50% will pass through a 200 mesh sieve(74 u).
stoker (mechanical stoker): a device consisting of amechanically operated fuel feeding mechanism and agrate,used for the purpose of feeding solid fuel intoa furnace,distributing it over a grate,admitting air tothe fuel for the purpose of combustion. and providinga means for removal or discharge of refuse.