ASME QAI-1:2005 pdf free download

ASME QAI-1:2005 pdf free download

ASME QAI-1:2005 pdf free download Qualifications for Authorized Inspection
1-1.2.3 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor the performance of the Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and to audit the activities at nuclear shops and field sites for which inspection agreements have been made, in accordance with the requirements of 1-2.2.6.
1-1.2.4 Give writtennotice to all AuthorizedNuclear Inspectors of the name, office address, and office and home phone numbers of their respective Supervisors.
1-1.2.5 Assure proper execution of responsibilities. In particular, the Agency shall
(a) establish and implement an internal program which shall provide assurance that those of its employ- ees holding the positions of Supervisor and Authorized Nuclear Inspector perform work in accordance with the requirements of Part 1 of this Standard. This program shall be documented by written policies, procedures, or instructions and shall be carried out throughout the life term of any agreement covering inspections required by the ASME Code, in accordance with the program. The program shall provide for indoctrination and training of personnel performing such activities, as necessary, to ensure that suitable proficiency is achieved and main- tained.
(b) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and their Supervisors, specifying their respective duties and responsibilities.
(c) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors requiring them to immediately con- tact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector is unable to readily resolve any question concerning ASME Code compliance, manufacturing procedure, or quality assur- ance provision or its implementation. Instructions should be included as a reminder to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector that he has the authority and the duty to refuse to sign any Data Reports involving noncon- formance with the ASME Code.
(d) conduct annual planned audits of activities per- formed by Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors to verifycompliance withthe provisions ofthe ASME Code Section III, Division 1 or 3, or both, and Part 1 of this Standard. The auditshall be performed by appropriately trained personnel, in accordance with a written proce- dure or checklist. Audit results shall be documented and reviewed by management. Follow-up action, including reaudit of deficient areas, shall be taken where indicated to ensure that necessary corrective action is completed.
(e) establish and implement a written policy to ensure levels of inspection activity commensurate with the scope of the AIA’s Certificate of Accreditation.
1-1.2.6 Provide certification for each Authorized Nuclear Inspector and Supervisor to be performing work under the provisions of the ASME Code Section 2 III, Division 1 or 3, or both, to ensure that the Inspectors and Supervisors meet the required experience and training requirements of Part 1 of this Standard. Certification and documentation of qualifications shall be retained by the employer and shall be made available for review by the jurisdictional Authorities and the ASME Survey Team, upon request.
1-1.2.7 Submit to the National Board an application for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear Inspector applicant, certifying that he has the required experience and training and that qualified supervision will be provided to ensure that the Authorized Nuclear Inspector satisfactorily fulfills his functions.
1-1.2.8 Submit to the National Board an application for a special endorsement for the Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisor applicant, certifying that the Supervisor has the required experience and training. 1-1.2.9 Verify to the National Board that the audits required by 1-2.2.6 have been carried out.
1-1.2.10 Notify the ASME Conformity Assessment Department of the termination of an inspection agreement with a holder of an ASME Certificate of Authorization.
1-1.3 AIA Quality Program 1-1.3.1 A documented Quality Program shall be established, implemented, and maintained by the Authorized InspectionAgency (AIA) in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. The AIA Quality Pro- gram shall identify the activities to which it applies and shall provide for the planning, control, and accomplish- ment of activities affecting the quality of the Authorized InspectionAgency’s implementationofduties and activ- ities as described in applicable parts of this Standard.
1-1.3.2 The AIA Quality Program shall, at a mini- mum, include the following parts:
(a) Organization. The Program shall document the organizational structure, functional responsibilities, lev- els of authority, and lines of responsibility for activities required for compliance with requirements of this Standard.
(b) Program Description. The Program shall describe the scope ofthe activities for which the Program applies. The scope shall include all requirements of the QAI-1 Standard for which the Authorized Inspection Agency is accredited by the Society (or for which the applicant is seekingSocietyaccreditationasanAccreditedAuthor- ized Inspection Agency). The Program shall document the policies and describe the process for the implementa- tion of the requirements of the QAI-1 Standard.

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