ASME PVHO-2:2016 pdf free download

ASME PVHO-2:2016 pdf free download

ASME PVHO-2:2016 pdf free download Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy: In-Service Guidelines
The owner shall be responsible for ensuring that in-service viewport evaluations, window replacements,and inspections are performed in accordance with thisStandard.
(a) PVHO acrylic windows shall be evaluated and, ifnecessary,repaired per subsections 2-4 through 2-6 ofthis Standard.
b) The service life of acrylic windows shall be deter-mined in accordance with para.2-4.4 and subsection 2-7of this Standard.
(c) Replacement windows shall meet PVHO designrequirements for the viewport.
(d) viewports in which PVHO acrylic windows areinstalled shall be evaluated and,if necessary, refurbishedper subsection 2-4 of this Standard.
1-3.3 Pressure Boundary (Except for indows)
When evidence of a flaw is detected or a modificationof a PVHO pressure boundary is planned, the ownershall be responsible for ensuring that the PVHO is evalu-ated and repaired, replaced, or modified in accordancewith the requirements of this Standard, applicable codes,and appropriate jurisdictional authorities.
a) In-service flaw evaluation techniques, such asnondestructive examination, shall be applied to assessthe potential impact to the structural integrity againstthe PVHO’s original design specification and code.Alternatively, the PVHO can be evaluated to the currentcode provided it is applied to the entire PVHO.
(1) PVHOs designed, fabricated, and tested toASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC),Section vmI, or certified to ASME PVHO-1 alternativedesign rules,that show signs of flaws or damage maybe evaluated using API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.
(2) PVHOs that are designed and fabricated toASME PVHO-1 Code Cases shall be evaluated andrepaired in accordance with requirements stated inthe case.
(b) Pressure boundary repairs shall include a plan andrepair and test procedures consistent with the applicablecode. Repairs that do not bring the PVHO to the original”as designed” condition are considered a modification.
( 1) For PVHOs stamped per ASME BPVC,Section VIII, the National Board Inspection Code(ANSI/NBBI NB-23) provides applicable weld repairand modification procedures.
(2)All other repairs shall be certified by a qualifiedProfessional Engineer or Authorized Inspector to be incompliance with this Standard and applicable code(s).(c) Pressure boundary modifications shall be per-formed in accordance with the most recent code regard-less of the original year of fabrication.A ProfessionalEngineer shall be responsible for the modification designand compliance with applicable code requirements.
(d)All pressure boundary parts that are replaced shallmeet original manufacturer specifications.
(e) All repair,replacement,and modification docu-mentation shall be maintained per subsection 1-4, PVHoand PVHO Systems Documentation.
1-4PVHO AND PVHo sYSTEMS DOCUMENTATIONThe owner shall be responsible for maintaining thefollowing documentation for the service life of PVHOsand PVHO systems:
a) documentation required by ASME PVHO-1,Section 1, General Requirements
b)documentation generated during inspection,maintenance, repairs, and modifications
(c) documentation related to operational proceduresand manuals
1-5 oWNER’S MANUAL1-5.1 General
An Owner’s Manual is required for each PVHO.Itshall contain adequate information to safely operate andmaintain the PVHO, its systems,and associated equip-ment. The owner shall be responsible for maintainingthe manual.
1-5.2 Component Description
The Owner’s Manual shall include the following:a)operating procedures that provide sufficient infor-mation to operate the equipment in a safe manner,including
(1) an overview of the PVHO and its systems(2) procedures to operate the PVHO and its systems(3) emergency procedures
(b) engineering drawings and schematics necessaryfor the operation and maintenance of PVHO systems.(c) systems description that includes an overview andfunctional description of each system.
d) equipment documentation that includes electricaland mechanical system descriptions, maintenance nents and equipment used. This may include collection tenance procedures anatadesigner-, tabricator-, ormanufacturer-supplied data.
The manual shall be kept current, documenting sys-tem changes,equipment updates,and the addition ordeletion of procedures, and including vendor-supplieddocumentation, and shall meet or exceed the require-ments of applicable jurisdictional authorities.
1-5.3 Storage of Equipment
Documentation shall define storage requirements forthe PVHO, its systems and subsystems, and associated