ASME P30.1:2019 pdf free download

ASME P30.1:2019 pdf free download

ASME P30.1:2019 pdf free download Planning for Load Handling Activities
5-2.9 Contingency Considerations The plan should address, at a minimum, the following potential events that could cause a deviation from the lift plan:
(a) equipment malfunction (e.g., LHE power failure, fouled rigging, and radio communication failure)
(b) adverse changes to environmental conditions (e.g., weather, visibility)
(c) deviation from the planned load characteristics as identified in para. 5-2.1
(d) adverse changes to site conditions (e.g., surrounding activities, change in ground conditions, and unauthorized entry into the work site as identified in para. 5-2.8)
5-2.10 Emergency Action Plan
(a) Review any existing site-specific emergency actionplans and coordinate any required modifications.
b ldentify the need for an emergency action plandirectly related to the load handling activity.
The lift director should hold a pre-lift meeting to discussthe plan and the roles of the personnel involved.
(a) At a minimum, the following elements should bereviewed with all load handling activity personnel:
(1) overview of the load handling activity
(2) LHE,rigging. and other equipment involved inthe load handling activity
(3) the sequence of events and step-by-step proce-dures for the entire load handling activity
(4) safety measures,as required (e.g.. Job SafetyAnalysis action items)
5load handling activity personnel assignments,addressing
l-a)individual responsibilities (e.g..location,time,and task)
(c-b) work location hazards (e.g.. pinch points)(-c] communication methods
(-d) personal protective equipment requirements(-e) qualification(s) of assigned personnel
(6j any contingency measures as determined inpara. 5-2.9
(7) any emergency action plan as determined inpara.5-2.10
(b) Concerns raised during this meeting shall beaddressed prior to proceeding with the load handlingactivity.
(c) At the completion of the pre-lift meeting, the liftdirector should confirm that the attendees understandthe plan and their roles and responsibilities during theload handling activity.
(d) For repetitive lifts, the lift director should decidethe frequency of pre-lift meetings. Pre-lift meetingsmay not be required prior to each repetition of theload handling activity.
5-4.1 Preparation for the Load Handling ActivityThe lift director should confirm that all setup andpreparation requirements of the plan (see sections 5-2through 5-3) are in place and all required inspectionsand tests on the LHE(s) and rigging equipment havebeen completed.
5-4.2 Initiating the Load Handling Activity
lmmediately prior to performing the load handlingactivity, the lift director should ensure that either
(a) all requirements of the plan continue to be met andnoconditions exist that would preclude implementation ofthe plan; or
b) a deviation exists, in which case the load handlingactivity is not initiated until the deviation is addressed by aqualified person or the lift director determines that condi-tions are acceptable to allow the activity to begin.
5-4.3 During the Load Handling Activity
The lift director should ensure that the load handlingactivity continues to comply with the plan.
(a) lf the operation deviates from the plan, the loadhandling activity should be stopped and evaluated todetermine if
(i] the load handling activity can resume accordingto plan.
(2) the contingency measures can be implementedper para.5-2.9.
(3] the plan can be readily modified at the site toaccommodate an unexpected condition or event.
(4) the load handling activity can no longer be imple-mented as planned,requiring a modified plan to beprepared. In such cases, the load and the LHE shall besecured, if possible, until a new plan can be developed.(b) Changes or modifications to the plan should becommunicated to all affected load handling personnelprior to initiating the change.
(c) If the load handling activity is stopped for anyreason, only the lift director may initiate a restart.5-5 POST-LIFT REVIEw
After the completion of the load handling activity,the liftdirector should
(a) review the development, planning.and execution ofthe load handling activity with the load handling person-nel. ltems for review should include, but not be limited to,the requirements of sections 5-2 through 5-4.
(b) identify potential measures to improve future loadhandling activity.
(c) communicate any recommendations identified in(b) to the appropriate personnel for future consideration.(d) for repetitive lifts, decide the frequency of post-liftreviews and evaluation of the lift plan. Post-lift reviewsmay not be required after each repetition of the load han-dling activity.