ASME EA-2:2009 pdf free download

ASME EA-2:2009 pdf free download

ASME EA-2:2009 pdf free download Energy Assessment for Pumping Systems
4.1 ldentification of Assessment Team Members
comprehensive and complete assessment can beachieved only when a set of knowledgeable personnel par-ticipate in the assessment process. A number of functionsrequired to accomplish an assessment are listed in para.4.1.1.The assessment team shall have members that are as-signed responsibility and authority to carry out these func-tions.Additional assessment team member information isidentified in para.4.8.1.
4.1.1 Required Personnel Responsibilities4.1.1.1 Resource Allocation
(a) Allocate funding and resources necessary to planand execute the assessment.
(b) Exercise final decision making authority on resources.(c) Oversee the participation of outside personnelincluding contracts,scheduling. confidentiality agree-ments, and statement of work. Coordination, Logistics, and Communicationsa)Obtain necessary support from plant personnel andother individuals and organizations during the assessment.
(b) Participate in organizing the assessment team andcoordinate access to relevant personnel, systems,and
lc)Organize and schedule assessment activities. Pumping Systems Knowledge
(a) Have background, experience and recognized abil-ities to perform the assessment activities, data analysisand report preparation.
(b) Be familiar with operating and maintenance prac-tices for the pumping system.
c) Have experience applying the systems approach inassessments.
4.2Facility Management Support
Facility management support is essential for the suc-cessful outcome of the assessment. Facility managementshall understand and support the purpose of the assess-ment.They shall allow assessment team members fromthe plant to participate in the assessment to the extent nec-essary.The assessment team shall gain written support ofplant management prior to conducting the assessment,asfollows:
a) Commit the necessary funding. personnel, and re-sources to support the assessment.
(b)Communicate to facility personnel the assessment’simportance to the organization.
Lines of communication required for the assess-ment shall be established. The assessment team shall
provide clear guidance to facilitate communicationsamong members of the assessment team so all neces-sary information and data can be communicated in atimely manner. This includes administrative data, lo-gistics information, as well as operational and mainte-nance data.
4.4Access to Resources and lnformation
For the performance of a complete and comprehensiveassessment of a facility’s pumping system, it is necessaryto physically inspect and make selected measurementson the system components. The assessment team shallhave access to
(a) facility areas and pumping systems required toconduct the assessment
(b) facility personnel (engineering, operations, main-tenance, etc.), their equipment vendors, contractors, andothers, to collect information pertinent and useful to theassessment activities and analysis of data used for prepa-ration of the report
(c) other information sources,such as drawings, man-uals, test reports,historical utility bill information, com-puter monitoring and control data, electrical equipmentpanels, and calibration records
4.5Assessment Goals and Scope
The overall goals and scope of the assessment shall bediscussed and agreed upon at an early stage by the as-sessment team. The overall goals of the assessment shallinclude identification of performance improvement op-portunities in the pumping systems being assessed andusing a systems approach. The scope of the assessmentshall define the portion(s) of the facility that is to beassessed.
4.6Initial Data Collection and Evaluation
Initial data collection occurring before the start of theassessment will save time for the assessment effort andshould include but not be limited to the items in paras.4.6.1 through 4.6.4.
4.6.1 Initial Facility Specialist Interviews.The as-sessment team shall contact personnel and specialistswithin the plant to collect information on operatingpractices and any specific operating considerationsthat affect energy use for the equipment. This infor-mation shall be used to help develop the site-spe-cific goals and assessment plan of action (paras.4.7and 4.8).
4.6.2 Energy Project History. The assessment teamshall collect and review information on energy-savingprojects, assessments, audits, baselines, or benchmarkingalready conducted for the pumping systems.