ASME B89.7.1:2016 pdf free download

ASME B89.7.1:2016 pdf free download

ASME B89.7.1:2016 pdf free download Guidelines for Addressing Measurement Uncertainty in the Development and Application of ASME B89 Standards
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This Technical Report provides recommendations asso-ciated with addressing measurement uncertainty anddirection in the application of the existing ASME B89.7series of uncertainty-related standards and technicalreports. This Technical Report also provides general prin-ciples and recommendations regarding measurementuncertainty and its documentation for use in the devel-opment of ASME B89 standards and technical reports.This Technical Report does not cover methods to beused in the estimation of measurement uncertainty.Toachieve these objectives, this Technical Report
(a) outlines guidelines for documenting measurementuncertainty in ASME B89 standards and technical reports(b) defines general calibration and verification testingprinciples, terms, and concepts for use in dimensionalmetrology
(c) discusses general topics associated with addressingmeasurement uncertainty, such as operating conditions,conformance testing, decision rules, and traceabilityThis Technical Report takes advantage of the technicalcontent developed in other ASME B89.7 standards andtechnical reports, whenever possible. That technicalcontent is referenced, but not repeated, in thisTechnical Report.
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the defini-tions in JCGM 200:2012(VIM3) apply; any differencesor additions are included below. When definitionsfrom JCGM 200 are included in this Technical Report,some notes may not be shown for brevity. When noteshave been added to the JCGM 200 definitions in thisTechnical Report, a parenthetical statement indicatesthe notes are specific to this Technical Report.
artifact verification: provision of sufficient objectiveevidence that a given material measure (artifact)conforms to a specified maximum permissible error ortolerance limit.
calibration: operation that, under specified conditions,in afirst step, establishes a relation between the quantityvalues with measurement uncertainties provided bymeasurement standards and corresponding indicationswith associated measurement uncertainties and, in asecond step, uses this information to establish a relationfor obtaining a measurement result from an indication.
The publications listed in paras.3.1 and 3.2 are refer-enced in this Technical Report. Unless otherwise noted,the most recent edition applies.
3.1 Normative References
ASME B89.7.3.1,Guidelines for Decision Rules:considering Measurement Uncertainty inDetermining Conformance to Specifications
ASME B89,7.3.2,Guidelines for the Evaluation ofDimensional Measurement Uncertainty
ASME B89.7.3.3,Guidelines for Assessing the Reliability ofDimensional Measurement Uncertainty StatementsASME B89.7.4.1,Measurement Uncertainty andConformance Testing: Risk Analysis
ASME B89.7.5,Metrological Traceability of DimensionalMeasurements to the Sl Unit of Length
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York, NY10016-5990(
JCGM 100:2008,Evaluation of measurementdata —Guideto the expression ofuncertainty in measurement (GUMJCGM 106:2012,Evaluation of measurement data —Therole of measurement uncertainty in conformityassessment
JCGM 200:2012,International vocabulary of metrology —Basic and general concepts and associated terms,3rdedition (VIM3)
Publisher: Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology(JCGM),Bureau International des Poids et Mesures(BIPM),Pavillon de Breteuil,F-92312 sevres Cedex,France (
3.2 Informative References
ANSI/NCSL Z540.3,Requirements for the Calibration ofMeasuring and Test Equipment
Publisher: National Conference of Standards Laboratories(NCSL International),5766 Central Avenue, Suite 150,Boulder, co 80301 (
ASME B89.1.5-1998(R2014).Measurement of PlainExternal Diameters for Use as Master Discs orCylindrical Plug Gages
ASME B89.1.6-2002(R2012),Measurement of Plainlnternal Diameters for Use as Master Rings or RingGages
ASME B89.1.9-2002 (R2012), Gage BlocksASME B89.1.13-2013,Micrometers