ASME B56.9:1992 pdf free download

ASME B56.9:1992 pdf free download

ASME B56.9:1992 pdf free download Safety Standard for Operator ControlledIndustrial Tow Tractors
4.7.2 Permanent or temporary protrusion of,materia, and construction facilities into theusual operating area shall be guarded.clearly and dis-tinctively marked, or clearly visible.
4.8 Llghting for Operating Areas
4.8.1 Controlled lighting of adequate intensity shouldbe provided in operating areas in conformance withANSIIES RP7.
4.8.2 Where operating conditions indicate, the usershall be responsible for having the tow tracIor equippedwith lights.
4.9 Control of Noxious Gases and Fumes
4.9.1 Internal combustion engines deplete the oxy-gen supply within enclosed spaces and may create a haz-ard unless the oxygen is replaced.
4.9.2 Ventilation shall be provided in enclosed areaswhere intemal combustion powered equipment is used
to maintain an atmosphere that shall not exceed the con-tamination levels specified by the American Conferenceof Governmental Industrial Hygienists in “”ThresholdLimit Values of Airbone Contaminants.””This includesthe atmosphere within the tow tractor cab when a cab isprovided.
4.9.3 Questions concerning degree of concentrationshould be referred to a qualified person.
4.10 Sound
Tow tractors can contribute to the ambient sound inthe work . area. Consideration should be given to thesound exposure of personnel in the work area.
4.11 warning Devlce
4.11.1 Every tow tractor shall be equipped with anoperator controlled horn,whistle.gong,or other sound-producing device(s).
4.11.2 The user shall determine if operating con-ditions require the tow tractor to be equipped withadditional sound-producing or visual (such as lightsor blinkers) devices, and be responsible for providingand maintaining such devices.
4.12 Rolocating Tow Tractors
4.12.1 When utilizing lifting equipment such as el-evators,cranes,ship hoisting gear,etc., to relocate atow tractor, the user shall ensure that the capacity of thehoisting equipment being used is not exceeded.
4.12.2 Before entering or leaving an elevator with atow tractor, all personnel other than the operator shouldleave the elevator.
4.13 Steering
4.13. 1 where steering must be accomplished withone hand and a steering handwheel is used, a steeringknob(s) or equivalent shall be used to promote safe andeffective operation. The steering handwheel and knobconfiguration shall bea deslgn that will minimize thehazard from a spinning handwheel due to a road reactionfeedback,or thc steering nechanism shall be of a typethat prevents road reactions from causing the steeringhandwhecl to spin. A stecring knob(s) shall be wlhinthe periphery of the steering handwheel.
4.13.2 Where steering can be accomplished witheither hand,and the steering mechanism is of a type thatprevents road reactions from causing the handwheel tospin (power stcering or equivalent),steering knobs maybe usod. When used, steering knobs shall be of a typethat is engaged by the operator”s hand from the top,andshall be within the periphery of the steering handwheel.
4.14 Operator Qualifications
Only trained and authorized personnel shall be per-mitted to operate a tow tractor. Operators of tow tractorsshall be qualified as to visual, auditory. physical,andmental ability to operate the equipment safely accordingto para.4.15,and all other applicable parts of Section4.
4.15 Operator Training
.15.1 The user shal1 ensure thet operators under-stand that safe operation is the operator’s responsibility.The user shall-also ensure that operators are knowledge-able of, and observe, the safety rules and practices inparas.5.2,5.3,and 5.4.
4.15.2An effective operator training program shouldcenter around the user company’s policies,operatingconditions,and tow tractors.The program should bepresented completely to all new operators and not con-densed for those claiming previous experience.