ASME B56.11.5:1992 pdf free download

ASME B56.11.5:1992 pdf free download

ASME B56.11.5:1992 pdf free download Measurements of Sound Emittedby Low Lift,High Lift, and RoughTerrain Powered lndustrial Trucks
This Standard is one of a series that has been for-mulated with the American Society of MechanicalEngineers as Sponsor in accordance with the Ac-credited Organization method, the procedures ac-credited by the American National StandardsInstitute,Inc., and the following scope.
Fstablishment of the safety requirements re-lating to the elements of design, operation,and maintenance; standardization relating toprincipal dimensions to facilitate inter-changeability.test methods,and test proce-dures of powered and nonpowered industrialtrucks (not including vehicles intended pri-marily for earth moving or over-the-roadhauling); and maintenance of liaison with theInternational Organization for Standardiza-tion (ISO) in all matters pertaining to pow-ered and nonpowered industrial trucks.
One purpose of the Standard is to serve as a guideto governmental authorities having jurisdiction oversubjccts within the scope of the Standard.It is ex-pected, however, that the Standard will find a majorapplication in industry, serving as a guide to manu-facturers, purchasers,and users of the equipment.For convenience,Standards for Powered and Non-powered Industrial Trucks have been divided intoseparate volumes:
Safety Standards
B56.1Low Lift and High Lift TrucksB56.5Guided Industrial VehiclesB56.6 Rough Terrain Forklift TrucksB56.7 Industrial Crane TrucksB56.8 Personnel and Burden Carriers
B56.9Operator Controlled Industrial Tow Tractors
B56.10Manually Propelled High Lift Industrial
Standardization Standards
B56.11.1Double Race or Bi-Level Swivel andRigid Industrial Casters
B56.11.3 Load Handling Symbols for Powered In-
dustrial Trucks
Hook-Type Forks and Fork Carriers forPowered Industrial Forklift Trucks
B56.11.5 Mcasurement of Sound Emitted by Low
Lift, High Lift, and Rough Terrain Pow-ered Industrial Trucks
B56.11.6Evaluation of Visibility From Powered
Industrial Trucks1
Safety standards that were previously listed as B56volumes but now have different identification due toa change in standards development assignments areas follows.
NFPA 505 Fire Safety Standard for Powered In-
dustrial Trucks – Type Designations,Areas of Use, Maintenance and Opor-ation (formerly B56.2)
UL 583 Standard for Safety for Electric-Battery-
Powered Industrial Trucks (formerlyB56.3)
UL 558 Standard for Safety for Internal Com-
bustion-Engine-Powered IndustrialTrucks (formerly B56.4)
I adopted for government use, the references toother national standards in the specific volumes maybe changed to refer to the corresponding govern-mental regulations.
The use of powered and nonpowered industrialtrucks is subject to certain hazards that cannot becompletely climinated by mechanical means.but therisks can be minimized by the exercise of, and common sense. It is therefore essential tohave competent and careful operators.phvsicallv andmentally fit and thoroughy traincd in thc safe oD-eration of the equipment and the handling of theloads. Serious hazards are ovcrloading,instabilitv ofthe load, obstructing the free passage of the load,collision with objocts or pedestrians, poo mainte-nance, and use of equipment for a purpose for whicht was not intended or designed.
Suggestions for improvement of these volumes, es-pecially those based on actual experience in theirapplication, shall be submitted to the Secretary of