ASME B30.14:2004 pdf free download

ASME B30.14:2004 pdf free download

ASME B30.14:2004 pdf free download Side Boom Tractors
SECTION 14-0.1:scOPE OF B30.14
volume B30.14 includes provisions that apply to theconstruction, installation, operation, inspection, testing,and maintenance of side boom tractors powered by aninternal combustion engine used for pipe laying or lift-ing operations, utilizing a lifting boom, drum, wire rope,and/ or hydraulic cylinders.
The requirements for a side boom tractor that is usedfor other than lifting operations such as when convertedfor excavating work, and a side boom tractor with arated load of one ton or less, are not included in thisVolume.
accessory: a secondary part or assembly of parts thatcontributes to the effectiveness of a machine.
administrative or regulatory authority: governmentalagency or the employer in the absence of governmentaljurisdiction.
appointed: assigned specific responsibilities by theemployer or the employer’s representative.
approved: accepted as satisfactory by a duly constitutedadministrative or regulatory authority.
authorized: approved by a duly constituted administra-tive or regulatory authority.
axle: the shaft or spindle with which or about which awheel rotates.On side boom tractors and wheel-ty petractors it refers to an assembly that includes the shaft,housing, and gearing from the shaft to the wheel,sprocket, or equivalent device.
boon: a member hinged to the side of the tractor withthe outer end supported by a rope system or hydrauliccylinder(s).
boon hoist: a hoist drum and rope reeving system usedto raise and lower the boom. The rope system may beall live reeving or a combination of live reeving andpendants.The boom may also be raised and lowered bya hydraulic cylinder(s).
boon stop: an automatic device used to limit the angleof the boom at the highest position.
brake: a device used for retarding or stopping motionby friction or power means.
clutch: a friction, electromagnetic, hydraulic, pneumatic,or positive mechanical device for engagement or disen-gagement of power.
counteroeight: weight used to supplement the weight ofthe machine in providing stability for lifting loads.designated person: a person selected or assigned by theemployer or the employer’s representative as being com-petent to perform specific duties.
drum: the cylindrical members around which ropes arewound.
dynamic loading: loads introduced into the machine orits components by forces in motion.
load: the external load, in pounds (kilograms) appliedto the side boom tractor, including the weight of load-attaching equipment such as load blocks, shackles, andslings.
load,rated: side boom tractor ratings in pounds (kilo-grams) established by the manufacturer in accordancewith para.14-1.1.
load block, locoer: the assembly of hook or shackle, swivel,sheaves, pins, and frame suspended by the hoistingropes.
load block , upper: the assembly of hook or shackle,swivel,sheaves, pins, and frame suspended from the boompoint.
load capacity,maxinum: the capacity for which the tractoris designed (Refer to SAE J743.).
load hoist: a hoist drum and rope reeving system usedfor lifting and lowering loads.
load overhang,track-type tracfor: the horizontal distancefrom the center of the load hook to the outer edge ofthe outer track rail on the boom side (Refer to SAEJ743.).load overhang , wheel-type tractor: the horizontal distancefrom the center of the load hook measured perpendicular to the center line of the tires on the boom side (Refer toSAE J743.).
qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recog-nized degree in an applicable field, or certificate of pro-fessional standing, or who, by extensive knowledge,training, and experience, has suiccessfully demonstratedthe ability to solve or resolve problems relating to thesubject matter and work.
reeving: a rope system in which the rope travels arounddrums and sheaves.
rope: refers to wire rope unless otherwise specified.service, heavy: service that involves operation within therated load limit that exceeds normal service.
service, normal: distributed service that involves opera-tion with randomly distributed loads within the ratedload limit, or uniform loads less than 65% of rated loadfor not more than 25%of the time.
service , severe: service that involves normal or heavy ser-vice with abnormal operating conditions.
shall: if a provision is of a mandatory nature it is indi-cated by the use of the word shal.
should: if a provision is of an advisory nature, it is indi-cated by the use of the word should and is a recommenda-tion to be considered , the advisability of which dependson the facts in each situation.
side boommt tractor: a track-type (Fig. 1) or wheel-type trac-tor (Fig. 2) having a boom mounted on the side of thetractor, used for lifting, lowering, or transporting a loadsuspended on the load hook.The boom or hook can belifted or lowered in a vertical direction only.
side loading: a load applied at an angle to the verticalplane of the boom.
stabilizers: extendable or fixed metal arms attached to themounting base, that rest on supports at the outer ends.standing rope (guy): a supporting rope that maintains aconstant distance between the points of attachment tothe two components connected by the rope.