ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf free download

ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf free download

ASME B18.18.2:2009 pdf free download Inspection and Quality Assurance for High-Volume Machine Assembly Fasteners
2.1 Scope
This Standard is an Acceptance Sampling Plan forhigh-volume machine assembly fasteners, accessories,and associated parts. It establishes specific inspectionfunctions that must be performed on the finished prod-uct or at the appropriate stage of manufacturing withthe objective of ensuring that the accepted product con-forms to all the requirements of engineering drawings,related standards, and/or specifications.
This plan does not necessitate in-process control; how-ever, the producer, at his discretion, may apply in-process control.Adherence to the requirements of thisplan does not release the contractor from the responsibil-ity of exercising due care in the production of all partsto the requirements established for all characteristicsshown on engineering drawings and related
2.2 Applicable Characteristics
Unless designated characteristics are specifically spec-ified in the product standard, the applicable characteris-tics include all characteristics of a part that are describedby engineering drawings and related specifications.
Three levels of inspection —A, B, and c – are providedin the plan.Alternate levels may be designated by theuser if required. Refer to Fig.A-1 in NonmandatoryAppendix A to establish alternate levels as required.Any additional characteristic(s) deemed applicable bythe user and not appearing in the general plan, or charac-teristics for which the user requires an inspection levelother than that designated in the plan, must be explicitlyrequested by the user and shown on drawings or specifi-cations by the appropriate code letter at the time ofordering (see Nonmandatory Appendix B).
2.3 Lot Definition
lot is a quantity of product of one part number madefrom one heat of raw material by the same productionprocess and subsequently submitted for final inspectionat one time. In the case of fasteners assemblies, such asscrew and washer assemblies, the manufacturer shallmaintain lot traceability for all components.
2.4 Records
The supplier shall maintain and provide the purchaserlogs and records of inspections and tests as required bythis plan if requested. Such records shall indicate thenature and number of observations made, the numberand type of deficiencies found, the quantities of materialor parts approved and rejected, and the nature of thecorrective action taken, as appropriate. Records shallalso include the disposition of rejected parts in accor-dance with para. 2.9 and shall be maintained for a mini-mum of 1 yr from the date of shipment of the parts.
2.5 Purchased Accessories and Parts
Accessories,services, and partially fabricated parts(e.g., washers, nuts, blanks, heat treating, plating, etc.)may be purchased by the prime contractor from subcon-tractors for use in the production of fasteners,providedthe following conditions and requirements are met:
(a) The prime contractor shall be responsible to theuser for the quality of the final product.
(b) The prime contractor shall be responsible for theimplementation of all requirements of this plan, includ-ing records.
(c)All lots that are heat treated and/or finished bya subcontractor and all lots that are processed by a sub-contractor following heat treatment and/or finishingoperations shall undergo final inspection by the subcon-tractor or the prime contractor.
2.6 Raw Material
2.6.1 General. Raw material (rod, wire, or bar) shallbe reviewed to determine that each coil or bundle hasa mill identification and that each heat (batch, melt, cast,etc.) is accompanied by a mill certification of analysisor the equivalent.The raw material or its accompanyingmill certification shall be inspected prior to release forfabrication to verify that it conforms to the materialrequirements specified.
2.6.2 General Quality. One fastener, taken at ran-dom from representative coils of rod or wire or frombundles of bars,shall be visually inspected to verify thegeneral quality of the raw material and its conditionfollowing the forming process.The part shall be exam-ined for evidence of pipe, cracks, seams, and other sur-face discontinuities according to applicable
2.7 Final Inspection
Each lot of fasteners shall be subjected to a final inspec-tion.The final inspection is intended to verify lot identi-fication and to inspect designated characteristics forconformance to related standards, specifications, andengineering drawings.Final inspection of any character-istic may be conducted at any stage of manufacturing after which that characteristic will not be altered. Rec- ords of final inspection shall be maintained in accor- dance with para. 2.4. The dimensional final inspection requirements are given in Table 1 . Sample sizes are then determined in accordance with Table 2. Chemical, physi- cal, and mechanical final inspection requirements are specified in ASTM F 1 470.