ASME B16.50:2021 pdf free download

ASME B16.50:2021 pdf free download

ASME B16.50:2021 pdf free download Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy Braze-Joint Pressure Fittings
4.3 Definitions
out-of-roundness: maximum measured diameter minusthe minimum measured diameter.
ovality: elliptical condition associated with out-of-round-ness.
wrought: describing metal that is worked in solid form toform shapes or individual parts including but not limitedto tubular shapes,bars, and forgings.
Each fitting shall be permanently marked with themanufacturer’s name or trademark in accordance withMSS sP-25 and the letters”BZ” in uppercase. Markingon fittings less than size 1/2or on any fitting where itwould damage the brazing surfaces is not required.
(a) Fittings shall be made from copper UNS No.C10200,C12000, or C12200 or copper alloy UNS No.C23000, forwhich allowable stresses are found in ASME B31.1,ASMEB31.9,or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section l1,Part D.
( b) Other coppers and copper alloys are permitted,provided
(1 ) they meet the chemical requirements of 80%minimum copper and 16% maximum zinc
(2) the fittings produced from the copper alloy meetall the mechanical and corrosion-resistant properties forthe end purposes of the fittings
The composition of the copper alloys shall contain nothingthat will inhibit joining to the tube or to other fittings.7 LAYING LENGTHS
Due to widely varying manufacturing processes, mean-ingful laying length requirements of fittings cannot beestablished.Consult the manufacturer for these dimen-sions.
Except for repair couplings, fittings shall be manufac-tured with a tube stop. Repair couplings shall not require atube stop.The tube stop shall control joint length, evenwith an external (FTG) end having the minimum outsidediameter shown in Table 3.1-1.Examples of various tubestop configurations are shown in Figure 8-1.
For determining conformance with this Standard, theconvention for fixing significant digits where limits(maximum and minimum values) are specified shall beas defined in ASTM E29.This requires that an observedor calculated value be rounded off to the nearest unitin thelast right-hand digit used for expressing the limit.
Decimal values and tolerances do not imply a particularmethod of measurement.
9.2 Linear Dimensions
An inspection tolerance, as shown in Table 9.2-1, shallbe allowed on center-to-shoulder, center-to-center,center-to-threaded-end, and shoulder-to-threaded-enddimensions on all fittings having internal (C) brazeends, as well as on center-to-braze-end and braze-end-to-threaded-end dimensions on all fittings having external(FTG) braze ends.Coupling inspection limits for shoulder-to-shoulder and shoulder-to-end dimensions shall bedouble those shown in Table 9.2-1,except that theminus tolerance applied to dimension L (Figure 4.1-1)shall not result in a dimension less than 1.5 mm (0.06in.).The largest opening in the fitting shall govern thetolerance to be applied to all openings.
9.3 Ovality of Fitting End (C or FTG)
Maximum ovality of the fitting braze-joint end shall notexceed 1%of the maximum diameters shown inTable 3.1-1.The average of the maximum andminimum diameters shall be within the dimensionsshown in the table.
9.4 Inside Diameter of Fitting
The minimum cross-sectional area of the insidediameter through the fitting body shall not be lessthan the theoretical minimum area defined by diameter0in Table 3.1-1.The out-of-roundness condition of thecross-sectional area shall not exceed the value shownin Table 3.1-1.
For reducer or adapter fittings, the smallest enddiameter shall apply, provided that this diameter doesnot restrict the other outlets.
9.5 wall Thickness
The minimum wall thickness shall not be less thanshown in Table 3.1-1.
Fitting threads shall be right-hand, conforming to ASMEB1.20.1.They shall be taper threads (NPT).