ASME B15.1:2000 pdf free download

ASME B15.1:2000 pdf free download

belt: a continuous band or series of links of beltingmateriai for transferring motion or power from onewheel,puliey,or shaft to another.
chain: a series of links joined together to form amedium for iransmitting motion or power from onesprocket or whecl to another.
gear: a toothed machine clcmcnt uscd to transmitmotion without the use of a belt or chain.
inadvertert contact:when a person touches or other-wise contacts mechanical power transmission apparatusaccidentally.
mechanical power transmission apparatus: the me-chanical components that.together with a source ofpower, provide the motion to an element of a machineor equipment.
mobile:capable of moving or being moved readilyfrom one piace io another.
motion hazards: hazards created by movement of com-poncnts of power transmission apparatus cithcr bythemsclves or in rclation to other components or fixedstructures.
rip point:a point at which a machine element movingin line meets a rotating element in such a manner thatit is possible to nip. pinch, squeeze, or entrap a personor objects coming into contact with one of the twomembers. This deinition holds for the similar pointwith respect to two rotating narts or two convergingparts in linear movement.
pinch point:any location at which it is possible fora part of the body to be caught between the movingmechanical power transmission apparatus componentsand parts of the machine or auxiliary equipment. It isa location where insertion can cause a pinch or squeezeaction to the body part.
point of operation:point at which cutting,forming.or other functional change is accomplishcd upon theprocessed material.
prire mover:thc primary source of power.
pulley: a flat,grooved,or toothed wheel mounted ona shaft, used in the transmission of motion in conjunctionwith one or more power transmission beiis.
safeguard:protection provided to people from a haz-ard by a guard,device,safe disiance,or safe rmrkiregs:duse visual alerts applied to powertransmission apparatus through color-coded usage, withor without signs,to dcnote a hazard. bc underslood as mandatory.
sheur point: other than the point of operation. theimmediatc arca where lwo or nore machine elementspass in close contact,creating a shearing action. Theclcmcnts may be in any fonm of molion or one maybc at rest.
should:to bc understood as advisory.
snag:to catch on a rough,sharp.orjagged proj-ecting part.
speed: a measurement of length of beit,chain, cable,or other linkagc which has passed a fixed point witina given time. it is usually cxprcsscd in tcrms of metersper second (ft per min). For rotating clcmcnts,spcedmay be expressed in radians per second (revolutionsper min) or in surface meters per second (surface ftper min).
stationary: fixed in a station,course,or mode.
3.1 Goncral Requirements
All motion hazards associated with the operationof mochanical power transmission apparatus shall bceliminated by design of the equipment or protectionby a guard,device, safe distance,or safe location.Employees shall not wear such clothing. jewelry,orunrestrained hair styles as will be hazardous to theirpersonal safety.