ASME B107.100:2002 pdf free download


ASME B107.100:2002 pdf free download wdrwnuronLIUILO INCORPORATING ASME B107.B,ASME B107.9,ASME B107.39,and ASME B107.40
Wrenches shall bc so designed as to afford a wellproportioned, cornfortable handgrip,and be similar tothe figure to which refcrence is made.The engagingsurfaces of the wrench openings shall be finished ina smooth and well-defined manner. The corners andserrations in the box end openings shall be clearlydefined (not smeared or torn). Wrenchcs that have abox end design shall be chamfered on both sides toprovide a lead for the working surfaces. The tips(working ends) of all open ends shall also be chamferedor rounded to climinaic burrs (scc Fig. 2).
Many of the tests hcrein are inherently hazardousand adequate safcguards for personnel and propcrtyshall bc employed in conducting these tests.
5.1 Hardness
Hardncss shall be tested in accordance with ASTME 18. When surface preparation is necessary, the amountof material removed shall not exceed o.007 in. (O.18mm) in the area contacted by the indenter.
5.2 Proof Torque Test
Proof Torque Test shall be conducted to determincconformance with the applicable proof torque requirc-ment specified in para.4.5.
5.2.1 Wrench Preparation. In order to preparethe wrench for test,suitable reference lines may becscribed on the hcad and handlc. After application ofproof torquc,examination for permanent deformationshall be made.
5.2.2 Mandrels for Wrench Openings. Suitablemandrels shall be used to fit into the wrench openingand provide proper support and necessary strength forthe proof torquc applied.The wrenches shall be testedon hexagonal mandrels. Mandrels shall conform to thedimensions and tolerances of Tables 3 and 4.Mandrelsshall be hardened to not less than 55 HRC and smoothlyfinished on the wrench engaging surfaces.
5.2.3 Application of Proof Torque. The prooftorque specified in the applicable table is the torqueapplied to the test mandrel,which tends to rotate themandrel about its longitudinal axis. Wrench openingsshall be gaged prior to testing. The torque shall beapplied to mandrels which are fully seated and ecxtend through the wrcnching surfaces.The force required toproduce the torque shall be applied as far from thcmandrel as practical.
a) Box Ends. Box ends shall be torqued to theproof torque. Following the removal of the proof torque,they shall be regaged. Any box end which does notsustain the proof torque,cracks,fractures,slips onmandrel,or does not meet gage requirements aftertorquing has failed the test. Wrench failure has alsooccurred if there is visible permanent distortion in thehandle and/or permanent deformation of the box endwith respect to the handle in excess of 5 deg.
b)Open Ends.Open cnds shall be torqued to theproof torque. Following the removal of the proof torque,they shall be regaged. Opcn ends which do not sustainthe proof torque, crack,fracture,slip on the mandrelor exhibit visible handle distortion have failed the test.Wrench failure has also occurred if the open end jawsspread in excess of the“NO Go” gage as specifiedby ASME B107.17M size by more than the following:)0.002 in. (O.05 mm) for wrench opening sizes5/in. (4 mm) through 1 in. (25 mm).
(2)0.003 in.(O.08 mm) for wrench opening sizes1 ‘h46 in. (26 mm) through 21/4 in. (50 mm).
5.3 Coating Process Qualification Test
Alternative coatings shall be subjected to testing inorder to certify the manufacturer’s production coatingprocess.Thc Coating Process Test consists of an adhe-sion,abrasion,and corrosion test specified in paras.5.3.2,5.3.3, and 5.3.4.The Coating Process QualificationTest may also be performed to certify the manufacturer’sNickel-Chromium coating process. Passing thc CoatingProcess Qualification tests,when agrced to by thccustomer,exempts the manufacturer from the Nickel-Chromium thickness requirement of para.4.7.2(a). Re-testing may be required when a significant changeoccurs in the process,when there is a change inthe materials,or when contractually required by thecustomer.
5.3.1 Test Preparation. The quantity and condi-tion of the sample wrenches used for the followingtesting shall be per the manufacturer’s standard practiceor as mutually agreed to by the manufacturer and thecustomer.
5.3.2 Coating Process Adhesion Test. Samplewrenches shall pass the file or grind-saw test of ASTMB 571.