ASME A112.6.3:2016 pdf free download Floor and Trench Drains
This Standard covers floor, area, adjustable floor, andtrench drains that are used inside of,or outside andimmediately adjacent to, building structures. ThisStandard specifies design requirements,definitions,nomenclature,outlet types and connections, grate-freeareas, top-loading classifications, materials, and fin-ishes. Seam-welded,socket-type,stainless steel fabri-cated drains are covered in ASME A112.3.1.
1.2 Alternatives
The requirements of this Standard are not intendedto prevent the use of alternative designs, materials, ormethods of construction, provided such alternativesmeet the intent and requirements of this Standard.
1.3 Units of Measurement
The values stated in either Sl (metric) or U.S. Custom-ary (yard / pound) units of measure are equivalent inapplication; however, each system is to be used indepen-dently of the other. In this Standard, U.S. Customaryunits are shown in parentheses.Combining values fromthe two systems can result in nonconformance with theStandard.
The illustrations included in this Standard areintended only to describe and portray typical drainsand are not intended to restrict design or to specifyrequirements.
1.5 Reference Standards
This Standard refers to the following publications,and where such reference is made, it shall be to thecurrent edition of the publication, including all amend-ments published thereto:
ASME A112.3.1,Stainless Steel Drainage Systems forSanitary DwV,Storm, and Vacuum Applications,Above- and Below-Ground
ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1, Plumbing Supply FittingsASME B16.25,Buttwelding Ends
Publisher: The American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME),Two Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990 (
CSA B602,Mechanical couplings for drain, waste, andvent pipe and sewer pipe
Publisher: CSA Group, 178 Rexdale Boulevard , Toronto,ON, M9W 1R3,Canada (
1.6 Definitions
area,grate-free: total area of the drainage openings inthe grate.
area,open: see area, grate-free.
blowwhole: a hole in casting due to air or gas in the metalor mold.
cold shut: casting defects formed when two streams ofmetal become so cold that they do not fuse upon meet-ing, creating an incomplete casting.
drain, adjustable floor: a floor drain designed for use infinished floor areas with an adjustable strainer and grateand a seepage flange on the body.
drain,area: a receptor intended to receive and conveyrunoff water or other liquid from the areas immediatelyadjacent to the building structure to the drainage system(see Fig.1).
drain, floor: a receptor intended to receive and conveyrunoff water or other liquid from building floors to thedrainage system (see Figs. 2 and 3).
drain, trench: a long, narrow receptor intended to receiveand convey runoff water or other liquids to the drainagesystem (see Fig. 4).
fin: projection on castings due to imperfect joints.
heel-resistant grate: a grate designed to resist entry ofhigh-heeled shoes.
weep hole: a perforation (opening) above the seepage(flashing) flange intended to receive leakage fromaround the drain and direct it into the sump.
2.1 Materials
2.1.1 Castings. Castings shall be sound, free ofblowholes, cold shuts, fins, and other imperfections,andshall be of uniform thickness and true to pattern.
2.1.2 Cast lron. Cast iron shall comply with Class 25specified in ASTM A48.
2.1.3 Ductile lron.Ductile iron shall comply withor exceed the requirements of Grade 60-40-18,60-42-10,60-45-12, or 80-55-06 specified in ASTM A536.
2.1.4Stainless Steel.Stainless steel alloys shall beType 304,316, or 316L.
2.1.5 Bronze. Bronze shall comply with the require-ments for copper alloy No.C83600,c83800,or C84400specified in ASTM B584.
2.1.6 Nickel-Bronze.Nickel-bronze shall complywith the requirements for copper alloys No.C97300,C97600, or C99700 specified in ASTM B584.
2.1.7 Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene.Acry-lonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) shall comply with orexceed the properties of cell classification 32222 speci-fied in ASTiM D3965.
2.1.8 Polyvinyl Chloride.Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)shall comply with or exceed the properties of cell classifi-cation 12454 or 14333 specified in ASTM D1784.
2.1.9 Polyethylene. Polyethylene (PE) shall complywith ASTM D3350.
2.1.10 Polypropylene.Polypropylene (PP) shallcomply with ASTM D4101.
2.1.11 Bolting Materials. Materials used for studs,nuts, cap screws, and other steel fasteners shall complywith or exceed the requirements of Grade A steel speci-fied in ASTM A307 or ASTM A563.
2.2 Coatings
Coatings shall comply with the requirements specifiedin Clause 5.2 of ASME A112.18.1/CSA B125.1.
2.3 Weep Holes
weep holes may be provided at the option of themanufacturer. When provided, weep hole(s) shall havea minimum combined (i.e., total) area of 24 mm2(0.037 in.2) and a smallest dimension of at least 3.2 mm(0.125 in.).