ASME B30-13:2003 pdf free download

ASME B30-13:2003 pdf free download

SECTION 13-0.1:sCOPE OF B30.13
Within the general scope defined in Section I,ASMEB30.13 applies to storage/ retrieval (S/R) machines andassociated equipment, such as aisle transfer cars andaisle equipment (as defined in para.13-0.2.1),and inter-faces with other material handling equipment coveredunder other standards. The provisions of this Standardapplying to S/R machines shall apply equally to theconstruction, installation, inspection,testing , mainte-nance, and operation of aisle transfer cars and any loadhandling equipment which is part of or attached to S/Rmachines or aisle transfer cars.
SECTION 13-0.2:DEFINITIONS13-0.2.1 Types of Equipment
storage/retrieval (S/R) machines: a machine operating onfloor or other mounted rail(s) used for transferring a loadfrom a storage compartment to a pickup and deposit (Pand D) station and from a P and D station to a storagecompartment.The movement of the storage / retrieval
machine may be both vertical and parallel in the aisle.Astorage / retrieval machine is sometimes called a storage
crane or S/R machine, but it is different from a stackercrane.A typical unit load storage/ retrieval machine isshown in Fig. 1.
aisle transfer car: a machine or vehicle for transferringan S/R machine from aisle to aisle and that normallyruns on a rail or rails (see Fig. 2).
automatic (S/R) machine: an S/R machine which whenactivated operates through a preset program cycle orcycles.
operator ridden (S/R) nachine: an S/R machine, with acab attached to the machine and with an operator in thecab, whose movements can be controlled either manu-ally or automatically (see Fig. 3).
13-0.2.2 General
administrative or regulatory authority: governmentalagency or the employer in the absence of governmentaljurisdiction.
aisle , machine: space between storage compartment rowsin which the S/R machine operates.
aisle, pedestrian: a walkway designated for pedestriantraffic.
ampacity: current-carrying capacity of electric conductorsexpressed in amperes.
appointed: assigned specific responsibilities by theemployer or the employer’s representative.
authorized: approved by a duly constituted administra-tive or regulatory authority.
autonmatic or automatically: pertains to equipment func-tions which do not require the attention of the operatorduring their functional operation.
brake: a device, other than a motor,used for retardingor stopping motion by friction or power means.
buffer: an energy dissipating device for reducing impactwhen a moving S/Rmachine reaches the end of itspermitted travel, or when two moving S/R machinescome into contact.
bumper: an energy absorbing device for reducing impactwhen a moving S/R machine reaches the end of itspermitted travel,or when two moving S/R machinescome into contact.
cab: the operator’s compartment on an S/R, carriage mounted: an operator’s cab which is attachedto the carriage of an S/R machine and moves verticallywith the carriage.
carriage: that part of an S/R machine by which a loadis moved in the vertical direction.
carriage free fall sfop: a mechanism used to prevent orstop uncontrolled descent of the carriage in event of lossof support.
clearance: the distance between loads, structure, and equipment calculated to allow for operating and installation tolerances, deflections, load displacement, and load integrity.
collectors, current: contacting devices for collecting cur- rent from aisle conductors.
conductors,aisle(s): electrical feeders along the runwaythat provide power in the S/R machine or aisle trans-fer car.
control braking mieans: a method of controlling speed byremoving energy from the moving body or by impartingenergy in the opposite direction.
control voltage: electrical voltage used in the control com-ponents and circuits.
designated person: a person selected or assigned by theemployer or the employer’s representative as being com-petent to perform specific duties.
drift point: a point on a horizontal travel motion masterswitch or on a manual controller that releases the brakewhile the motor is not energized.This allows forcoasting.
fault conditions: a malfunction caused by overload , travelbeyond set limits, emergency stop, or failure of compo-nents essential to safe operation of the S/R machine oraisle transfer car.
hoist: a machinery unit which is used for lifting andlowering.
hoist chain: a roller or calibrated link chain in a hoist thatsupports the carriage.
hoist motion: the motion of a storage crane that lifts andlowers the carriage.
load,design: the maximum length, width, height,andweight of a load handled, including any pallet,container,slave pallet, or stacking tolerances.
load, rated: the weight of the design load that the S/Rmachine is designed to handle.
load,sizing: a process to determine that the loads aredimensionally acceptable for storage.
manual operation: pertains to equipment functions thatrequire action by the operator.