ASME B30.27:2019 pdf free download

ASME B30.27:2019 pdf free download

ASME B30.27:2019 pdf free download Material Placement Systems Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
SECTION 27-0.1:scOPE
Volume B30.27,Material Placement Systems. includesprovisions that apply to the construction, installation,operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance oftrailer and truck-mounted material placement systems.Included in this are mechanical and hydraulic peagravel systems, mobile telescoping boom conveyors, sepa-rate placing booms, and material placement accessories(see Figures 27-0.1-1 through 27-0.1-8). Truck-mountedmaterial placement systems can be either with or withoutan integral placing boom.
This Volume does not apply to the conveyor parts ofmobile telescoping boom conveyors, mortar conveyingand spraying machines, or dry mix shotcreting machines.The conveyor section of these machines is covered byASME B20.1.
concrete delivery hose: a flexible delivery hose having acoupling on each end.
control panel: controls mounted on the equipment.
delivery systems: delivery lines, pipes, hoses, attachmentcomponents,and transfer valves,through which materialis transported (see Figure 27-0.1-8).
durably marked: a method of attaching information to apart, assembly, or machine that will satisfy the need for themarking, e.g.. in the case of pipe or hose components, amarking that would last until the component is installedon a machine or put into use would be considered durablymarked. For all other items required to be durablymarked, the marking would last for the expected life ofthe part or machine under reasonably foreseeable circum-stances.
end hose: a flexible concrete delivery hose that only hasone coupling.
field make-up pipe: a delivery pipe section constructed fora specific job site to the exact length required.
fixed guard: a component used to shield the user frommachine interaction and attached by mechanicalmeans.On material placement systems, temporary orremovable guards do exist, such as a hopper grate thatrotates up for cleaning but is covered by a separatesafety switch.
grooved connection: a type of pipe connection where agroove is machined or rolled directly into the outsideof the pipe wall, creating a flange height of less than0.15 in. (3.8 mm).
hopper: a receptacle for the material to be transported,which can include an agitator, a mixer, or both.
manual valve: a valve whose manual actuator is the onlymeans of valve actuation.
manual valve override: a mechanical valve actuator used tooperate an electrically controlled valve in emergency orbreakdown situations.
maximum support force: the maximum force exerted onthe supporting surface at any one outrigger.
metric connection: a type of pipe connection where theraised flange diameter, shape, and thickness are manufac-tured to metric specifications.
normal operating conditions: conditions during whichequipment is performing functions within the scope ofthe original design. Under these conditions, no oneother than the operator is on the equipment.
original language(s): language(s) used by the manufac-turer to develop and verify product instructions andmanual(s).
outrigger: extendable or fixed members attached to themounting base, which rest on supports at the outerends used to support the equipment.
placing booms: manual or power driven, slewable workingdevices consisting of one or more extendable or foldable
parts supporting the material delivervsvstea anedirecting the discharge into the desired location.
priority switching: transferring control of one or morefunctions from a control location to a different control
qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recog-nized degree in an applicable field, or certificate of profes-sional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training,and experience, has successfully demonstrated the abilityto solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matterand work.
raised-end connection: a type of pipe connection where theraised flange is tapered and self aligning.
rated load: maximum allowable working load designatedby the manufacturer.
remote control: a portable control device connected to themachine by a wire cable or linked by radio or other device: a means placed in use for the specificpurpose of preventing an unsafe condition.
sheave: a grooved wheel or pulley used with a rope tochange the direction and point of application of apulling force.
shortrigging: one or more outriggers not fully extended onthe side away from the boom operational area.
signalperson: a person positioned at a vantage point whereboth the point of discharge and the operator of the mate-rial placement system can be seen and who relays opera-tional signals to the operator.
specific type (of material placement system): a model, style,or size classification of material placement system (e.g.,three section boom, four section boom, 50 meter class,conveyor).
spotter: a person positioned at a vantage point where thedistance between a hazard and the material placementsystem can be clearly seen and evaluated and the materialplacement system’s operator can be alerted if a predeter-mined safety distance is compromised.
waterbox: the structural member holding the differentialhydraulic cylinders in alignment with the material cylin-ders, which contains the flushing water.