ASME NML-1:2019 pdf free download

ASME NML-1:2019 pdf free download

ASME NML-1:2019 pdf free download Rules for the Movement of Loads Using Overhead Handling Equipment in Nuclear Facilities
Compliance with this Standard is the responsibility ofthe owner.
cascading failures: a process in a system of interconnectedparts in which the failure of one or a few parts can triggerthe failure of other parts and so on.
design rated torque: the torque required to hold the designrated load of the hoist at the point of brake application.double-rigging arrangement: a system in which two inde-pendent sets of load-carrying elements, each capable ofcarrying the load,are used to connect the load to the over-head handling equipment.
emergency response plan: a set of actions necessary to miti-gate the consequences of the worst possible outcomes of aload-handling accident.
engineered temporary lift assembly (ETLA): speciallydesigned lifting equipment that is not general purposebut has a special temporary intended purpose. Theseassemblies are not standard design items and are notavailable from a commercial source,and there is no gener-ally accepted consensus standard applicable to the equip-ment. Examples of ETLAs include special gin poles andderricks; special crane supports such as runways or over-head gantry columns and frames; and special load-han-dling equipment such as up-end and down-end devicesand jacking towers (unless used with the guidance ofthe applicable volume of ASME B30).ETLAs are requiredfor lifts that cannot be accomplished with standard liftingdevices.
essential safety function (ESF): a function performed by aplant system, structure, or component that is necessary toremove decay heat from irradiated fuel, provide shielding.contain radioactive material, or control nuclear reactivity.For the purposes of this Standard,ESFs are defined asfollows:
(a) maintaining adequate decay heat removal.
(b) maintaining reactor coolant system and spent fuelpool inventory necessary for adequate shielding, removalof decay heat, and containment of radioactive material.This may be accomplished by preventing leakage fromthe reactor vessel (during refueling) and spent fuelpool in excess of safety-related makeup capability.
(c) preventing damage to irradiated fuel or to compo- nents that function to prevent a substantial release of radioactivity. As used here, a substantial release ofradio- activity means the potential for radiation exposures comparable in magnitude to those specified in 10 C.F.R § 50.34(a)(1), § 50.67(b)(2), or § 100.11.
(d) maintaining the geometric configuration of multiple fuel assemblies such that nuclear reactivity cannot increase. facility acceptable excursion limit (FAEL): the distance a load can move where its movement remains safe. This limit applies to any hoist or travel motion when uncom- manded load movementoccurs. Itis intended to assume a mechanical or a control system failure has occurred and manual or automatic systems must be used to stop the load.
infrequently performed test and evolution (IPTE): infre-quently performed test or evolution that has the potentialto significantly degrade the plant’s margin of safety andtherefore warrants additional management oversight andcontrol.
intermediate hoist: an additional hoist that is used as partof the rigging below the primary hoist. It could be used as ameans of leveling the load or as a more precise means oflifting the load.
lift, critical: any lift that carries a high risk of a load-han-dling event,as determined by the presence of certain prob-ability factors and the severity of the possibleconsequences of such an event.
lift, nuclear safety critical: any lift, performed in a givenarea after a plant becomes operational, in which the loadweighs more than the combined weight of a single spentfuel assembly and its associated handling tool for the spe-cific plant in question that, as a result of uncontrolledmotion exceeding the movement safety envelope, canresult in the loss of an essential safety function.Nuclear safety critical lifts are a subset of critical lifts.lift, special: any lift that carries a moderate risk of a load-handling event, as determined by the presence of certainprobability factors and the severity of the possible conse-quences of such an event.
lift, standard: any lift that carries a low risk of a load-han-dling event,as determined by the presence of certain prob-ability factors and the severity of the possibleconsequences of such an event.
lifting evolution: the lifting, transporting,and setting downof any load. Lifting and setting down the load in the samelocation for a rigging adjustment does not constitute alifting evolution.
load-handling event: an unplanned and undesirable occur-rence during the movement of a crane or its load that mayhave a negative effect on operations.