ASME A112.19.10:2003 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.10:2003 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.10:2003 pdf free download DUAL FLUSH DEVICES FOR WATER GLOSETS
2.2 Durability
The product shall meet the performance requirementsof the cycle test in para.3.2.Materials that are immersedin or exposed to water in the tank shall conform torequirements for longevity and resistance to corrosion,adsorption, and dimensional stability.
2.3 Hydraulic Performance
Separate dual flush devices installed in water closettanks shall meet the hydraulic performance tests in para.3.3 when tested on two of three different selected sampleproduct water closets submitted for tests or providedby the testing laboratory. If failure of any of the testsoccurs, the third water closet and a new dual flushassembly shall be tested. Any added failures of eitherassembly and/or performance failure of the water closetshall be cause for rejection of the device. Label restric-tions on the installation of the device(s) to any singleor group of manufacturers’ water closets shall be speci-fied on a distinctive color caution label on the packageor instructions by the manufacturer, producer, or pro-vider of the device(s) in the event of demonstrated fail-ures for those models.
3.1 Functional Operation Test
3.1.1 Dual Flush Device Test Method. The dual flushdevice shall be installed and adjusted in accordance withthe manufacturer’s installation instructions in the watercloset tank(s)with volume of 3.5 gpf (13.2 Lpf) or greaterselected for test (of the three water closet product sam-ples provided).The dual flush handle or other actuationselector shall be independently operated to evaluatefreedom of parts to move when the fixture is emptyand normally filled, unless intrinsic design of the devicerequires constraints related to its functional per-formance.
3.1.2 Performance Requirement. Parts shall not bindor seize when operated.Settings according to the manu-facturer’s instructions should not cause leakage.
3.2 cycle Testing
3.2.1 Cycle Testing of the Flush Valve Assembly Test Method. Install the flush valve in atank that contains a steady water supply and controlsthe water level to a maximum height of 7 : 7/4 in. (178± 6 mm), or as marked on the fixture tank if less, abovethe flush valve seat. Place a volume of water in the tankto the same water level height above the flush valveseat. Allow to stand for 60 i 3 min and observe anyleakage of water from the flush valve outlet. No leakageshall be observed.Conduct cycle testing by opening andclosing the flush valve assembly for 75,000 continuouscycles.Tank walls may be dammed for accelerated tests to represent actual installation conditions with thehydraulic head maintained.
Upon completion of the cycling period, remove anydams and water from the tank. Place a volume of waterin the tank to the previous water level height above theflush valve seat. Allow to stand for 60 ± 3 min andobserve any leakage of water from the flush valve outlet. Performance Requirement. Not more than2% of the total measured volume of water in the tankshall leak from the flush valve outlet after the cyclingis completed and the unit is allowed to stand for 60i3 min. Cycle Testing of the Flapper Valve. The testmethod and performance requirement of the flush valveassembly shall be conducted for devices that include aflapper valve as part of dual flush system equipmentand assembly for installations (see paras. and3.2.1.2).
3.2.2 Cycle Testing of Flush Handle Assembly Test Method. Suspend a 1.5±0.1 oz weightfrom the flush handle assembly,suitably arranged toload all handle, selector, or actuation levers. Flush thehandle for 75,000 cycles. The length of the cycle shallbe at the fullest extent of motion for the lower andnormal flush procedure, and shall be sequenced at a 5:1ratio for the lower to larger flush discharge operations.lf two handles are utilized in the design, sequence theactuations for flushing action at the 5:i ratio. The cycleshall be to the normal limit of motion of the handle andits attachments within the water closet tank for each ofthe operating modes for the total number of cycles forthe test. The cycle test time and a pause for rest stateneed to be established for each device in order to avoidunusual dynamic responses not ordinarily experiencedin actual usage.
Upon completion of the test cycle, inspect the mecha-nism for deformations, interference, and deterioration;ink with a contrasting dye and visually inspect for signsof cracking. If the handle(s), selector, and / or control wastested as per para.,the mechanism inspectionshall be performed at the completion of that procedure.