ASME QEI-1:2001 pdf free download

ASME QEI-1:2001 pdf free download

ASME QEI-1:2001 pdf free download Standard for the Qualification of Elevator Inspectors
0) working knowledge of inspection and testing proce-dures as described in ASME A17.2 and awareness ofpublished interpretations of those procedures
(k] working knowledge of applicable building. fire,electrical, and accessibility codes
demonstrated ability to perform the duties specifiedin Section 2.2
(m) working knowledge of the requirements of ASMEA17.3 and awareness of published interpretations ofASME A17.3
(n) awareness of cSA B44.1 /ASME A17.5 andStandards Committee-published interpretations to theextent that it is specified in ASME A17.1/CSA B44 andASME A18.1 or cSA B355
o) must have in his or her personal possession thelatest edition of ASME QEl-1 and access to StandardsCommittee-published well as thecurrent editions of the documents required by the respec-tive authority having jurisdiction and listed in para.i.5.1(p) must have access to current editions of documentsreferenced in para. 1.5.2
The duties of an inspector include the following:(a) making acceptance inspections and witnessingtests to determine whether all parts of the installationconform to the requirements of the applicable code orregulations and whether the required safety devices func-tion as required therein
(b) making routine or periodic inspections and witnes-sing tests of existing installations to determine that theequipment is in apparent safe operating condition, hasnot been altered except in conformity to the applicablecode or regulations, and performs in accordance withtest requirements
(c) reporting the results of the inspection and testing inaccordance with the appropriate administrative proce-dures and the following:
(1) The certified inspector’s report shall include aclear description of the scope of the inspection performed,including the type of inspection (acceptance,periodic, orroutine) and whether the inspection was performed inaccordance with the applicable requirements of ASMEA17.1/CSA B44,Section 8.10 or Section 8.11; ASMEA18.1,Section 10, or CSA B355,Appendix A2; or ANSI/ASSE A10.4,Section 26, or CSA Z185,Section 24. If anyother type of inspection was performed, the reportshall include a complete description of the scope of theinspection.The ASME checklist forms as published byASME for electric elevators, hydraulic elevators, and escalators and moving walks shall only be used when theinspection complies with the requirements in ASMEA17.1/CSA B44,Section 8.10 or Section 8.11.
(2) The report shall be signed by the certifiedinspector and shall include his or her certificationnumber and certifying agency.Electronic or written signa-tures are acceptable to meet this requirement.
(3) All Code deficiencies noted in the report shallinclude a reference to the applicable code and rulenumber[s).
(4) The report shall include the date and time thatthe inspection was conducted.
(d) maintaining his or her personal copy of ASME QEI-1to be the latest edition, as well as the current edition ofdocuments referenced in para.1.5.1
ln order to maintain qualification as an elevatorinspector, an individual shall
(a) become familiar with the application of new tech-nology, including in the electronic and material fields.(b) maintain knowledge of current local administrativeor operating procedures necessary to discharge duties.(c) maintain knowledge of recent revisions and aware-ness of published interpretations of ASMEA17.1/CSA B44,ASME A17.2,ASME A17.3,CSA B311,ASME A18.1 or csAB355,ANSI/ASSE A10.4 or CSA Z185,and awareness ofCSA B44.1/ASME A17.5 to the extent specified in ASMEA17.1/CSA B44 and ASMEA18.1 or csA B355, as well asthe applicable requirements in building fire, electrical,and accessibility codes.
(d) comply with the code of ethics (conduct) estab-lished by the accredited certifying organization (seeSection 4.1).
(e) have in his or her possession the latest edition ofASME QEI-1 and published interpretations as well as thecurrent edition of documents referenced in para. 1.5.1,plus access to the documents referenced in para.1.5.2.The inspector shall attest to compliance with theabove in writing or by electronic submission upon certi-fication and annual renewal of certification.
obtain 1.0 continuing education unit (CEU) on anannual basis by participating in continuing educationand professional development activities acceptable tothe accredited certifying organization.Continuing educa-tion credit may be awarded for a wide variety of activitiesthat involve training, education,or other endeavorswherein the objective includes achieving relevant profes-sional knowledge,skills,and abilities beyond thoserequired for initial certification.