ASME QRO-1:2005 pdf free download

ASME QRO-1:2005 pdf free download

ASME QRO-1:2005 pdf free download Standard for the Qualification and Certification of Resource Recovery Facility Operators
(a) overall operation, maintenance, and performance(b) operation in accordance with established policiesand procedures
(c) ensuring personnel are qualified and certified asrequired and trained whenever applicable federal, state,and local environmental regulations or technology, poli-cies, or procedures are changed
(d)ensuring operation is consistent with applicablefederal, state, and local environmental requirements(e) communicating with regulatory agencies
(f)ensuring policies and procedures for proper andsafe operations are formulated and updated periodically2.1.2 Shift Supervisor. The Shift Supervisor is indirect charge and control of the operation of a solidwaste combustion facility during an assigned shift,including, but not limited to, the following:
a) supervising, training, and monitoring perform-ance of personnel during an assigned shift
(b) maintaining records of operations,including oper-ational changes and abnormalities, and reports submit-ted to the Chief Facility Operator
(c) authorizing issuance of work orders for equipmentrepair and maintenance
d) ensuring that the facility is operated consistentwith applicable federal, state, and local environmentalrequirements
e) monitoring operations in accordance with estab-lished policies and procedures
(f) undertaking actions to correct upsets or emer-gencies
ig) ensuring a safe workplace
hx) communicating operational status with the reliev-ing shift at shift turnover
2.1.3 Combustion System Operator.The CombustionSystem Operator of a solid waste combustion facility isthe principal person responsible for
a) controlling the MSW feed to the combustor
b) controlling the facility’s combustion process inorder to maintain operations in accordance with thedesign, operating, and permit limitations applicable tothe facility
2.2 Qualifications
This subsection sets forth qualifications that must bemet prior to receiving certification under this Standard.2.2.1 Provisional Certification.The qualifications forProvisional certification are as follows:
(a) high school diploma or equivalent
b) 3 years of experience in operations of a solid wastecombustion facility or 5 years of experience in occupa-tions concerned with the design, start-up, operation, or
maintenance of engines, boilers, turbines, air compres-sors, motors, generators, conveying equipment, or theirrelated auxiliaries which supply power, heating, or cool-ing service to an industrial, maritime,or commercialprocess or facility
(c) an understanding of solid waste combustion facil-ity operations adequate to pass an examination thatcovers the body of knowledge listed in para.3.1
NOTE: Completion of a baccalaureate degree in physical scienceor engineering , or 60 credits of course work in the subjects listedbelow from an institute accredited to issue degrees, may be substi-tuted for up to 2 of the 5 years of non solid waste combustionfacility experience in para.2.2.1(b).
(a) advanced mathematics
b) chemistry
ic)fluid dynamics(d) thermodynamics(e) materials sciencef)combustion theory
rg) environmental, mechanical, civil, chemical, or electrical engi-neering
2.2.2 operator Certification. The qualifications forOperator certification are as follows:
(a) a valid Provisional Certificate at the time applica-tion is made for operator certification.
b)prior to taking the examination, completion of atleast 6 months of employment performing the dutieslisted in paras. 2.1.1 or 2.1.2 in the solid waste combus-tion facility where the applicant is employed.
(c) an understanding of the solid waste combustionfacility operations adequate to pass a site specific oralexamination that covers a detailed body of knowledgespecific to that solid waste combustion facility, whichshall include, but not be limited to, an understanding ofcontrol room operations and boiler or turbine operationsand applicable federal,state,and local environmentalrequirements. This examination is described in para. Combustion Certification.The qualifications forCombustion certification are as follows:
(a) high school diploma or equivalent
(b)2 years of experience in industrial processes oroperations of machinery
(c) an understanding of solid waste combustion facil-ity operations adequate to pass an examination thatcovers the body of knowledge listed in para.3.3
NOTE:The Combustion Certificate is not a prerequisite, nor mayit substitute, for any other certification under this Standard.
3.1 Examination for Provisional Certification
The examination shall be a 3-hr examination of 100to 150 questions. The examination shall be structured