ASME SA53:2013 pdf free download

ASME SA53:2013 pdf free download

9.2.2 During the second step,which is a test forsoundness,the flattening shall be continued until the testspecimen breaks or the opposite sides of the pipe meet.Evidence of laminated or unsound material that is revealedduring the entire flattening test shall be cause for rejection.NOTE4— The H values have been calculated for standard and extra-heavy weight sizes from NPS 2/ to NPS 24 [DN 65 to DN 600], inclusive,and are shown in Table X2.1.
9.3 Electric-Resistance-Welded Pipe —A test specimenat least 4 in. [100 mm] in length shall be flattened coldbetween parallel plates in three steps, with the weld locatedeither 0or 90°from the line of direction of force asrequired in 9.3.1 or 9.3.2, whichever is applicable. Duringthe first step, which is a test for ductility of the weld,nocracks or breaks on the inside or outside surfaces at theweld shall occur until the distance between the plates isless than two thirds of the specified diameter of the pipe.As a second step, the flattening shall be continued as a testfor ductility away from the weld. During the second step,no cracks or breaks on the inside or outside surfaces awayfrom the weld, except as provided for in 9.7,shall occuruntil the distance between the plates is less than one thirdof the specified outside diameter of the pipe but is not lessthan five times the wall thickness of the pipe. During thethird step, which is a test for soundness, the flattening shallbe continued until the test specimen breaks or the oppositewalls of the pipe meet. Evidence of laminated or unsoundmaterial or of incomplete weld that is revealed by theflattening test shall be cause for rejection.
9.3.1 For pipe produced in single lengths,the flat-tening test specified in 9.3 shall be made using a testspecimen taken from each end of each length of pipe.Thetests from each end shall be made alternately with the weldat O~ and at 90 from the line of direction of force.
9.3.2 For pipe produced in multiple lengths, the flat-tening test specified in 9.3 shall be made as follows: specimens taken from, and representa-tive of, the front end of the first pipe intended to be suppliedfrom each coil, the back end of the last pipe intended tobe supplied from each coil, and each side of any intermedi-ate weld stop location shall be flattened with the weldlocated at 90° from the line of direction of force. Test specimens taken from pipe at any twolocations intermediate to the front end of the first pipe andthe back end of the last pipe intended to be supplied fromeach coil shall be flattened with the weld located at 0°from the line of direction of force.
9.3.3 For pipe that is to be subsequently reheatedthroughout its cross section and hot formed by a reducingprocess, the manufacturer shall have the option of obtaining the flattening test specimens required by 9.3.1 or 9.3.2,
whichever is applicable,either prior to or after such hotreducing.
9.4 Continaoxes-Welded Pipe — A test specimen at least4 in. [ 100 mm] in length shall be flattened cold betweenparallel plates in three steps.The weld shall be located at
oo from the line of direction of force. During the firststep, which is a test for ductility of the weld, no cracks or
breaks on the inside,outside,or end surfaces at the weldshall occur until the distance between the plates is less
than three fourths of the specified diameter of the pipe.Asa second step, the flattening shall be continued as a testfor ductility away from the weld. During the second step,no cracks or breaks on the inside,outside, or end surfaces
away from the weld, except as provided for in 9.7, shall
occur until the distance between the plates is less than 60%oof the specified outside diameter of the pipe. During the
third step, which is a test for soundness, the flattening shallbe continued until the test specimen breaks or the opposite
walls of the pipe meet. Evidence of laminated or unsound
material or of incomplete weld that is revealed by theflattening test shall be cause for rejection.
9.5Surface imperfections in the test specimen beforeflattening, but revealed during the first step of the flatteningtest, shall be judged in accordance with the finish require-
ments in Section 14.
9.6 Superficial ruptures as a result of surface imperfec-tions shall not be cause for rejection.
9.7When low D-to-t ratio tubulars are tested, becausethe strain imposed due to geometry is unreasonably high
on the inside surface at the 6 and 12 o’clock locations,cracks at these locations shall not be cause for rejection if
the D-to-t ratio is less than 10.
10.Hydrostatic ‘Test
10.1The hydrostatic test shall be applied, without leak-age through the pipe wall,to each length of pipe exceptas provided in 11.2 for seamless pipe.
10.2 Each length of plain-end pipe shall be hydrostati-cally tested to the pressures prescribed in Table x2.2,and
each threaded-and-coupled length shall be hydrostatically
tested to the pressures prescribed in Table x2.3.It shallbe permissible,at the discretion of the manufacturer,toperform the hyrostatic test on pipe with plain ends,with
threads only, or with threads and couplings and also shall bepermissible to test pipe in either single lengths or multiplelengths.