ASME SA213:2004 pdf free download

ASME SA213:2004 pdf free download

9. Mechanical Properties9.1 Tensile Requiremenis:
9.1.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as totensile properties given in Table 4.
9.1.2 Table 5 gives the computed minimum elongationvalues for each !/sz-in.[0.8-mm] decrease in wall thickness.Where the wall thickness lies between two values shown inTable 5, the minimum elongation value shall be determined bythe following equations. For Grades T23,T24,T91,T92,T115,T122,T911,and S44400:E= 321+ 10.00[E= 1.25t + 10.00].For Grade T36:E= 321 + 5.0 [E= 1.25t i 5.0]. For all otherferritic alloy grades: E = 48t +15.00[ E= 1.87t + 15.00].
E= elongation in 2 in.[50 mm]、%,and=actual thickness of specimen,in.[mm].
9.1.3 One tension test shall be made on a specimen from onetube for lots of not more than 50 tubes.Tension tests shall bemade on specimens from two tubes for lots of more than 50tubes. See 15.2.
9.2 Hardness Requirements:
9.2.1 The material shall conform to the hardness require-ments given in Table 4.See 15.2.
9.2.2 Brinell,Vickers,or Rockwell hardness tests shall bemade on specimens from two tubes from each lot. See Flattenirg Test—One flattening test shall be made onspecimens from each end of one finished tube, not the one usedfor the flaring test,from each lot. See 15.1.
9.4 Flaring Test—One flaring test shall be made on speci-mens from each end of one finished tube, not the one used forthe flattening test,from each lot. See 15.1.
9.5 Mechanical property requirements do not apply totubing smaller than /s in.[3.2 mm] in inside diameter orthinner than 0.015 in.[0.4 mm] in thickness.
10. Hydrostatic or Nondestructive Electric ‘Test
10.1 Each tube shall be subjected to the nondestructiveelectric test or the hydrostatic test.The type of test to be usedshall be at the option of the manufacturer, unless otherwisespecified in the purchase order.
11.Forming Operations
11.1Tubes,when inserted in a boiler or tube sheet,shallstand expanding and beading without showing cracks or flaws.Superheater tubes when properly manipulated shall stand allforging, welding, and bending operations necessary for appli-cation without developing defects.See Note 1.
NonE l—Certain of the ferritic steels covered by this specification will
harden jif cooled rapidly from above their critical temperature. Some willair harden, that is, become hardened to an undesirable degree when cooledin air from high temperatures,particularly chromium-containing steels
with chromium of 4 % and higher.Therefore,operations that involve
heating such steels above their critical temperatures,such as welding,flanging,and hot bending,should be followed by suitable heat treatment.
12.Repair by Welding
12.1 Repair welding shall be performed in conformancewith Specification A1016/A1016M.
12.2 All repair welds in T91 shall be made with one of the following welding processes and consumables: SMAW, A5.5/ A5.5M E90XX-B9; SAW, A5.23/A5.23M EB9 + neutral flux; . GTAW, A5.28/A5.28M ER90S- B9; and FCAW A5.29/A5.29M E91T1-B9. In addition, the sum of the Ni+Mn content of all welding consumables used to weld repair T91 Types 1 and 2 shall not exceed 1.0 %.
12.3 All repair welds in T92, T91I, and T122, shall be made using welding consumables meeting the chemical requirements for the grade in Table l.
13. Permissible Variations from the Specified Wall Thickness
13.1 Permissible variations from the specified minimum wall thickness shall be in accordance with Specification A1016/A 1016M.
13.2 Permissible variations from the specified average wall thickness shall be10% of the specified average wall thickness for cold formed tubes and, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, shall be in accordance with Table 6 for hot formed tubes.
14. Surface Condition
14.1 Ferritic alloy cold- finished steel tubes shall be free of scale and suitable for inspection. A slight amount of oxidation is not considered scale.
14.2 Ferritic alloy hot finished steel tubes shall be free of loose scale and suitable for inspection.
14.3 Stainless steel tubes shall be pickled free of scale. When bright annealing is used, pickling is not necessary. 14.4 Any special finish requirement shall be subject to agreement between the supplier and the purchaser.
15. Sampling
15.1 For fattening, faring, and grain size requirements, the term lot applies to all tubes, prior to cutting, of the same size (see 4.1.7) that are produced from the same heat of steel. When final heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace, a lot shall include only those tubes of the same size and from the same heat that are heat treated in the same furmace charge. When the final heat treatment is in a continuous furnace or when the heat-treated condition is obtained directly by quenching after hot forming, the number of tubes of the same size and from the same heat in a lot shall be detemined from the size of the tubes as prescribed in Table 7.
15.2 For tensile and hardness test requirements, the term lot applies to all tubes prior to cutting, of the same size (see 4.1.7) that are produced from the same heat of steel. When final heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace, a lot shall include only those tubes of the same size and the same heat that are heat treated in the same furmace charge. When the final heat treatment is in a continuous furnace, or when the heat-treated condition is obtained directly by quenching after hot forming, a lot shall include all tubes of the same size and heat, heat treated in the same furmace at the same temperature, time at